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WStackingGridder Class Reference

This class grids and/or samples visibilities to/from UV space. More...

#include <wstackinggridder.h>

Public Types

enum  GridModeEnum { NearestNeighbourGridding, KaiserBesselKernel, RectangularKernel }
 Gridding modes that are supported for interpolating samples on the uv-grid. More...

Public Member Functions

 WStackingGridder (size_t width, size_t height, double pixelSizeX, double pixelSizeY, size_t fftThreadCount, ImageBufferAllocator *allocator, size_t kernelSize=7, size_t overSamplingFactor=63)
 Construct a new gridder with given settings. More...
 WStackingGridder (const WStackingGridder &)=delete
 ~WStackingGridder ()
 De-allocate imagebuffers with the allocator and perform other clean-up. More...
void AddData (const std::complex< float > *data, size_t dataDescId, double uInM, double vInM, double wInM)
 Grid an array of data values for inversion. More...
void AddDataSample (std::complex< float > sample, double uInLambda, double vInLambda, double wInLambda)
 Grid a single visibility value for inversion. More...
ImageBufferAllocator * Allocator () const
 The ImageBufferAllocator of this gridder. More...
void FinalizeImage (double multiplicationFactor, bool correctFFTFactor)
 Finalize inversion once all passes are performed. More...
void FinishInversionPass ()
 Finish an inversion gridding pass. More...
const std::complex< double > * GetGriddedUVLayer (size_t layerIndex) const
 Retrieve a gridded uv layer. More...
void GetGriddingCorrectionImage (double *image) const
 Make an image that contains the effect of the gridding kernel in image space. More...
void GetKaiserBesselKernel (double *kernel, size_t n, bool multiplyWithSinc)
 Acquire a Kaiser-Bessel kernel. More...
enum GridModeEnum GridMode () const
 Get the kernel function and its interpolation method used for gridding. More...
size_t Height () const
 Get height of image as specified during construction. More...
double * ImaginaryImage ()
 Get the imaginary part of a complex image after inversion. More...
void InitializePrediction (const double *image)
 Initialize gridder for prediction and specify image to predict for. More...
void InitializePrediction (const double *real, const double *imaginary)
 Complex alternative for InitializePrediction(const double*). More...
bool IsComplex () const
 Whether the image produced by inversion or used by prediction is complex. More...
bool IsInLayerRange (double wInLambda) const
 Determine whether specified w-value should be gridded in this pass. More...
bool IsInLayerRange (double wStart, double wEnd) const
 Determine whether any samples within the specified w-value range should be gridded in this pass. More...
double LayerToW (size_t layer) const
 Calculate the central w-value for the given w-layer index. More...
size_t NFFTThreads () const
 Get the number of threads used when performing the FFTs. More...
size_t NPasses () const
 Number of passes that are required when not all the w-layers fit in memory at once. More...
size_t NWLayers () const
 Number of w-layers, as specified in PrepareWLayers(). More...
WStackingGridderoperator= (const WStackingGridder &)=delete
double PixelSizeX () const
 Get angular width of single pixel in radians. More...
double PixelSizeY () const
 Get angular height of single pixel in radians. More...
void PrepareBand (const MultiBandData &bandData)
 Initialize the inversion/prediction stage with a given band. More...
void PrepareWLayers (size_t nWLayers, double maxMem, double minW, double maxW)
 Initialize the inversion/prediction stage with the given number of w-layers. More...
double * RealImage ()
 Get the image result of inversion. More...
void ReplaceImaginaryImageBuffer (double *newBuffer)
 Replace the current imaginary result of the imaging with a new image. More...
void ReplaceRealImageBuffer (double *newBuffer)
 Replace the current result of the imaging with a new image. More...
void SampleData (std::complex< float > *data, size_t dataDescId, double uInM, double vInM, double wInM)
 Predict the values for all channels in a band. More...
void SampleDataSample (std::complex< double > &value, double uInLambda, double vInLambda, double wInLambda)
 Predict the value of a single visibility with double precision. More...
void SampleDataSample (std::complex< float > &value, double uInLambda, double vInLambda, double wInLambda)
 Predict the value of a single visibility. More...
void SetDenormalPhaseCentre (double dl, double dm)
 Setup the gridder for images with a shifted phase centre. More...
void SetGridMode (enum GridModeEnum mode)
 Set the kernel function and its interpolation method used for gridding. More...
void SetIsComplex (bool isComplex)
 Setup the gridder for real or complex images. More...
void SetNFFTThreads (size_t nfftThreads)
 Set the number of threads used to perform the FFTs. More...
void StartInversionPass (size_t passIndex)
 Initialize a new inversion gridding pass. More...
void StartPredictionPass (size_t passIndex)
 Start a new prediction pass. More...
size_t Width () const
 Get width of image as specified during construction. More...
size_t WToLayer (double wInLambda) const
 Calculate on which layer this w-value belongs. More...

Detailed Description

This class grids and/or samples visibilities to/from UV space.

It also executes the FFT(s) required and performs the w-term correction. It does this with the 'w-stacking' method (see Offringa et al., 2014).

This class is quite generic in that it is agnostic to the underlying data format of the visibilities, and it is written to be of high performance. It is used by the WSMSGridder class to perform inversion and prediction. There, large imaging operations are split up in multiple 'passes' over the data if necessary, and in each pass a few w-layers are gridded/sampled. However, simpler applications might chose not to support this when very large images/large w-terms are not a concern, in which case things become easier.

This class can do both the calculation from visibilities to image, as well as going from (model) image to visibilities. The first is referred to as "Inversion" in this class, and the latter is called "Prediction".

The general call sequence for inversion (/imaging) is as follows:

Alternatively, AddData() can be used instead of AddDataSample, to grid several samples that only differ in frequency. To use AddData(), it is necessary to call PrepareBand() first.

For prediction, the sequence is similar:

Similar to Inversion, all values for a band can be predicted at once by calling SampleData() instead of SampleDataSample() when the band has been set beforehand with PrepareBand().

Prediction does not require any finalisation calls.

André Offringa
2013 (first version)
See also
WSClean: an implementation of a fast, generic wide-field imager for radio astronomy

Member Enumeration Documentation

Gridding modes that are supported for interpolating samples on the uv-grid.


Simple method that places/samples a visibility on the nearest uv-cell.


Interpolate with a Kaiser-Bessel kernel.

This attenuates aliasing. The Kaiser-Bessel window is very similar to the prolate spheroidal kernel, which is considered the optimal gridding window. When this mode is selected, the kernel size and oversampling factor can be specified. This is the recommended and default mode.


Interpolate with a rectangular window.

This will give the sharpest transition at the edge of the image, so will maximally attenuate objects just past to the edge. However, objects further from the edge will not be as much attenuated compared to the KB window, which has much deeper sidelobes further out.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

WStackingGridder::WStackingGridder ( size_t  width,
size_t  height,
double  pixelSizeX,
double  pixelSizeY,
size_t  fftThreadCount,
ImageBufferAllocator *  allocator,
size_t  kernelSize = 7,
size_t  overSamplingFactor = 63 

Construct a new gridder with given settings.

Currently, the width and height should be set equally.

widthThe width of the image in pixels
heightThe height of the image in pixels.
pixelSizeXThe angular width of a pixel in radians.
pixelSizeYThe angular height of a pixel in radians.
fftThreadCountThe number of threads used for FFTs. See NFFTThreads() for more info.
allocatorAn ImageBufferAllocator that is used for allocating images. See ImageBufferAllocator for the rational for using this.
kernelSizeThe full width and height in pixels of the kernel. Should be odd. Large kernels cause smaller aliasing artefacts but are more expensive. The default of 7 is a reasonable compromise between effectiveness and speed.
overSamplingFactorThe number of different horizontal and vertical kernels that are precalculated at different rational positions. Larger is more accurate but requires more memory and becomes slower, probably mainly due to cache misses.
Fix width/height requirement.
WStackingGridder::~WStackingGridder ( )

De-allocate imagebuffers with the allocator and perform other clean-up.

Member Function Documentation

void WStackingGridder::AddData ( const std::complex< float > *  data,
size_t  dataDescId,
double  uInM,
double  vInM,
double  wInM 

Grid an array of data values for inversion.

The data values should have the same uvw-values in meters, i.e., they can only differ in frequency. The dataDescId specifies the frequencies of the array of data. This method requires that the channel frequencies have been specified beforehand, by calling PrepareBand().

This function will internally call AddDataSample() for each visibility, hence this function is just for convenience, but is not faster than individual calls to AddDataSample().

dataArray of samples for different channels. The size of this array is given by the band referred to by dataDescId.
dataDescIdID that specifies which band this data is for.
uInMU value of UVW coordinate, in meters.
vInMV value of UVW coordinate, in meters.
wInMW value of UVW coordinate, in meters.
void WStackingGridder::AddDataSample ( std::complex< float >  sample,
double  uInLambda,
double  vInLambda,
double  wInLambda 

Grid a single visibility value for inversion.

This method does not require that the channel frequencies have been specified beforehand.

sampleVisibility value.
uInLambdaU value of UVW coordinate, in number of wavelengths.
vInLambdaV value of UVW coordinate, in number of wavelengths.
wInLambdaW value of UVW coordinate, in number of wavelengths.
ImageBufferAllocator* WStackingGridder::Allocator ( ) const

The ImageBufferAllocator of this gridder.

The image buffer allocator.
void WStackingGridder::FinalizeImage ( double  multiplicationFactor,
bool  correctFFTFactor 

Finalize inversion once all passes are performed.

multiplicationFactorApply this factor to all pixels. This can be used to normalize the image for the weighting scheme.
correctFFTFactorFor normal imaging this should be false. It can be set to true when no correcting for weighting is performed, but the FFT factor should be taken out. WSClean uses this for certain values of "-visibility-weighting-mode".
void WStackingGridder::FinishInversionPass ( )

Finish an inversion gridding pass.

This will perform the Fourier transforms of the currently gridded w-layers, and add each gridded layer to the final image including w-term corrections. Therefore, it can take time.

See also
const std::complex<double>* WStackingGridder::GetGriddedUVLayer ( size_t  layerIndex) const

Retrieve a gridded uv layer.

This function can be called after StartInversionPass() was called, and before FinishInversionPass() is called.

layerIndexLayer index of the grid, with zero being the first layer of the current pass.
The layer, with the currently gridded samples on it.
void WStackingGridder::GetGriddingCorrectionImage ( double *  image) const

Make an image that contains the effect of the gridding kernel in image space.

The gridder already corrects for the kernel internally, so it is not necessary to apply this image to the results, but users might be interested in the response function of the gridding kernel alone.

imageA width*height array that will be set to the kernel image.
void WStackingGridder::GetKaiserBesselKernel ( double *  kernel,
size_t  n,
bool  multiplyWithSinc 

Acquire a Kaiser-Bessel kernel.

This is mostly a debugging/example function.

kernelArray of size n
nSize of kernel
multiplyWithSincTrue to multiply the kernel with the sinc function, as is the case during gridding.
enum GridModeEnum WStackingGridder::GridMode ( ) const

Get the kernel function and its interpolation method used for gridding.

The currently selected gridding mode.
size_t WStackingGridder::Height ( ) const

Get height of image as specified during construction.

This is the full height, before any trimming has been applied.

Height in pixels of image being gridded.
double* WStackingGridder::ImaginaryImage ( )

Get the imaginary part of a complex image after inversion.

Otherwise similar to RealImage().

void WStackingGridder::InitializePrediction ( const double *  image)

Initialize gridder for prediction and specify image to predict for.

PrepareWLayers() should be called before this method. Note that this method needs to be called with the same image before each pass, i.e., before each call to StartPredictionPass().

This method is used for prediction of non-complex (IsComplex()==false) images. Use InitializePrediction(const double*, const double*) for complex prediction – see SetIsComplex() for more info.

imageThe model image that is to be predicted for. This is an array of width * height size, index by (x + width*y).
void WStackingGridder::InitializePrediction ( const double *  real,
const double *  imaginary 

Complex alternative for InitializePrediction(const double*).

This method should be used for complex images – see SetIsComplex() for more info.

realArray of width * height giving the real (model) image values.
imaginaryArray of width * height giving the imaginary (model) image values.
bool WStackingGridder::IsComplex ( ) const

Whether the image produced by inversion or used by prediction is complex.

In particular, cross-polarized images like XY and YX have complex values, because the UV grid is no longer Hermitian symmetric.

Whether the gridder is setup for complex images.
bool WStackingGridder::IsInLayerRange ( double  wInLambda) const

Determine whether specified w-value should be gridded in this pass.

This method can only be called after calling StartInversionPass() or StartPredictionPass().

wInLambdaW-value in units of number of wavelengths.
true if the w-value is gridded on one of the w-layers that are processed in this pass.
bool WStackingGridder::IsInLayerRange ( double  wStart,
double  wEnd 
) const

Determine whether any samples within the specified w-value range should be gridded in this pass.

This can for example be used to optimize which samples to read from disc; when this function returns false for a given timestep/baseline, none of the samples are required in this pass. This method can only be called after calling StartInversionPass() or StartPredictionPass().

wStartW-value of range start in units of number of wavelengths.
wEndW-value of range end in units of number of wavelengths.
true if any of the w-values in the given range are processed in this pass.
double WStackingGridder::LayerToW ( size_t  layer) const

Calculate the central w-value for the given w-layer index.

This is the inverse of WToLayer().

layerW-layer index
Central w-value for specified w-layer in units of number of wavelengths.
size_t WStackingGridder::NFFTThreads ( ) const

Get the number of threads used when performing the FFTs.

The w-layers are divided over the threads such that each thread calculates approximately the same number of w-layers. Therefore, optimally this value equals the number of (free) CPU cores available. If the number of w-layers is smaller than the number of threads, some threads will do nothing. Therefore, when not performing any w-term correction with NWLayers() == 1, this value has no effect.

When NWLayers() == 1 , it is still possible to perform multi-threading by setting up fftw to do so. The FFTWMultiThreadEnabler class can be used to setup fftw properly to do so.

The number of threads used for the FFTs.
size_t WStackingGridder::NPasses ( ) const

Number of passes that are required when not all the w-layers fit in memory at once.

Valid once PrepareWLayers() has been called.

Number of passes.
size_t WStackingGridder::NWLayers ( ) const

Number of w-layers, as specified in PrepareWLayers().

Number of w-layers.
double WStackingGridder::PixelSizeX ( ) const

Get angular width of single pixel in radians.

The full image has a width of Width() * PixelSizeX(), assuming small angle approximation.

Width of a single pixel in radians.
double WStackingGridder::PixelSizeY ( ) const

Get angular height of single pixel in radians.

The full image has a height of Height() * PixelSizeX(), assuming small angle approximation.

Height of a single pixel in radians.
void WStackingGridder::PrepareBand ( const MultiBandData bandData)

Initialize the inversion/prediction stage with a given band.

This is required for calling methods that take a dataDescId, specifically AddData() and SampleData(). This call can be avoided by using the AddDataSample() and SampleDataSample methods instead.

bandDataThe information about the bands. A MultiBandData links a dataDescId to a set of contiguous frequencies. This corresponds with the DATA_DESC_ID field in meaurement sets.
void WStackingGridder::PrepareWLayers ( size_t  nWLayers,
double  maxMem,
double  minW,
double  maxW 

Initialize the inversion/prediction stage with the given number of w-layers.

The number of w-layers sets the accuracy of w-term correction and can normally be calculated from the image dimensions and maximum w-term.

After this call, NPasses() can be called to acquire the number of required passes.

Note that for non-complex images (the default), minW and maxW can be set to the minimum absolute w-value, which results in finer w-gridding and thus better w-term correction.

The minW and maxW values need to be calculated before gridding, and this normally requires an extra iteration through the w-values of the data before the data can be gridded.

For imaging without w-term correction, the number of layers can be set to one (note that one w-layer disables w-term correcting – do not set it to zero, as one uv-grid is always required). In that case, it is best to set minW to -maxW.

In cases where nwlayer > 1, the w-value w of all values should satisfy minW < abs(w) < maxW. When nWLayers == 1, this is not required.

nWLayersNumber of uv grids at different w-values, should be >= 1.
maxMemAllowed memory in bytes. The gridder will try to set the number of passes such that this value is not exceeded. Note that this is approximate.
minWThe smallest w-value to be inverted/predicted.
maxWThe largest w-value to be inverted/predicted.
double* WStackingGridder::RealImage ( )

Get the image result of inversion.

This is an array of size width x height, and can be indexed with [x + y*width]. It is allowed to change this image, e.g. set the horizon to zero before saving to fits. This call is only valid once FinalizeImage() has been called.

If a complex image is produced, this image returns the real part. The imaginary part can be acquired with ImaginaryImage().

void WStackingGridder::ReplaceImaginaryImageBuffer ( double *  newBuffer)

Replace the current imaginary result of the imaging with a new image.

Exactly like ReplaceRealImageBuffer(), except it replaces the imaginary part.

newBufferThe new imaginary buffer part.
void WStackingGridder::ReplaceRealImageBuffer ( double *  newBuffer)

Replace the current result of the imaging with a new image.

This is hardly ever really necessary but can save some memory and/or time when the WStackingGridder remains in memory with its results, and the results are passed on but need to be conditionally changed in some way (e.g. as done in the WSMSGridder class to pass a resized buffer to the WSClean class).

After calling this method, RealImage() will return newBuffer. The newBuffer will be cleaned up with the earlier provided ImageBufferAllocator. The old buffer can no longer be used.

This method replaces the real part of the imaging.

newBufferThe new buffer that was allocated with the right ImageBufferAllocator.
See also
void WStackingGridder::SampleData ( std::complex< float > *  data,
size_t  dataDescId,
double  uInM,
double  vInM,
double  wInM 

Predict the values for all channels in a band.

This is a convenience function that will call SampleDataSample() for all data values in the band specified by dataDescId.

If a particular value can not be predicted during this pass (because its w-value belongs to a w-layer of a different pass), its value will be set to NaN. A call to StartPredictionPass() should have been made before calling this method.

dataArray of samples for different channels. The size of this array is given by the band referred to by dataDescId.
dataDescIdID that specifies which band this data is for.
uInMU value of UVW coordinate, in meters.
vInMV value of UVW coordinate, in meters.
wInMW value of UVW coordinate, in meters.
void WStackingGridder::SampleDataSample ( std::complex< double > &  value,
double  uInLambda,
double  vInLambda,
double  wInLambda 

Predict the value of a single visibility with double precision.

If the visibility can not be predicted, because its w-value belongs to a w-layer that is not processed during this pass, it will be given a value of NaN. A call to StartPredictionPass() should have been made before calling this method.

valueWill be set to the predicted visibility value.
uInLambdaU value of UVW coordinate, in number of wavelengths.
vInLambdaV value of UVW coordinate, in number of wavelengths.
wInLambdaW value of UVW coordinate, in number of wavelengths.
void WStackingGridder::SampleDataSample ( std::complex< float > &  value,
double  uInLambda,
double  vInLambda,
double  wInLambda 

Predict the value of a single visibility.

If the visibility can not be predicted, because its w-value belongs to a w-layer that is not processed during this pass, it will be given a value of NaN. A call to StartPredictionPass() should have been made before calling this method.

valueWill be set to the predicted visibility value.
uInLambdaU value of UVW coordinate, in number of wavelengths.
vInLambdaV value of UVW coordinate, in number of wavelengths.
wInLambdaW value of UVW coordinate, in number of wavelengths.
void WStackingGridder::SetDenormalPhaseCentre ( double  dl,
double  dm 

Setup the gridder for images with a shifted phase centre.

When dl or dm is non-zero, the centre of the involved images is shifted by the given amount. This allows inversion/prediction of images that are centred away from the phase centre, while the projection of the image is kept the same. The benefit of this can be that the phase centre can be set to zenith, thereby minimizing w-values, while the actually imaged field is somewhere else, thereby making it possible to handle non-zenith images with small image sizes and small w-values. A more extended explanation is given in the WSClean paper by Offringa et al. (2014).

dlshift of image centre in 'l' (East) direction
dmshift of image centre in 'm' (North) direction
void WStackingGridder::SetGridMode ( enum GridModeEnum  mode)

Set the kernel function and its interpolation method used for gridding.

modeThe new gridding mode.
void WStackingGridder::SetIsComplex ( bool  isComplex)

Setup the gridder for real or complex images.

See IsComplex().

isComplexWhether the gridder should produce / predict from complex images.
void WStackingGridder::SetNFFTThreads ( size_t  nfftThreads)

Set the number of threads used to perform the FFTs.

See also
NFFTThreads() for an explanation.
nfftThreadsNumber of threads used.
void WStackingGridder::StartInversionPass ( size_t  passIndex)

Initialize a new inversion gridding pass.

PrepareWLayers() should have been called beforehand. Each call to StartInversionPass() should be followed by a call to FinishInversionPass().

passIndexThe zero-indexed index of this pass, 0 <= passIndex < NPasses().
void WStackingGridder::StartPredictionPass ( size_t  passIndex)

Start a new prediction pass.

One of the InitializePrediction() methods should be called before each call to this method. This method will perform the fast Fourier transforms necessary for this pass, so it can take time.

passIndexZero-indexed index of prediction pass, 0 <= passIndex < NPasses().
size_t WStackingGridder::Width ( ) const

Get width of image as specified during construction.

This is the full width, before any trimming has been applied.

Width in pixels of image being gridded.
size_t WStackingGridder::WToLayer ( double  wInLambda) const

Calculate on which layer this w-value belongs.

Only valid once PrepareWLayers() has been called.

wInLambdaThe w-value, in units of number of wavelengths.
W-layer index.
See also

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